Be being collected now basically is to point to the bank deposit that be obtained with the means of international settle accounts such as check, remittance, collection and forms. 现汇主要是指以支票、汇款、托收等国际结算方式取得并形成的银行存款。
A nutritionist from the International Medical Corps weighs a three-month-old baby from one of the camps to check for malnutrition. 国际医疗团的一位营养学家在难民营中为一名三个月的婴儿称体重,检查其是否营养不良。
The international that gets stuck according to action uses a rule do not need a password, but must check autograph. 按照作用卡的国际使用惯例都是不需要密码的,但一定要核对签名。
According to international standard procedure, promise you high working quality to consummate our treatment under strict inner check regularly. 按照国际行业规范制订了完善的医疗质量标准,有着严密的质量保证体系,定期对服务及医疗质量进行检查。
International Telex Directory Information check digit [ International Standard Book Number] 国际电传号码簿信息稽核数码〔国际标准书号〕
Besides strictly preventing the inflow of international hot money, we must curb the asset price bubbles and check the arbitrage of international hot money. 我们不仅要严防国际热钱流入,而且要限制资产价格泡沫、阻击国际热钱套利。
Before leaving on an international trip, check these two things: power supply requirements and if your cell phone will work at your destination. 在准备进行一次国际旅行之前,检查一下两个东西:电源要求和你的手机是否可以在目的地使用。
The lone suicide bomber walked up to a security check point near the offices of the state-owned Pakistan International Airlines and blew himself up. 自杀式袭击者独自走向巴基斯坦国家航空公司(PakistanInternationalAirlines)办公室附近的一个安全检查站,然后自爆身亡。
The UN resolution labelled the test a clear threat to international peace and security. It will allow countries to stop cargo going to and from North Korea to check for weapons of mass destruction ( WMD) or related supplies. 联合国决议将朝鲜核试验称作是对国际和平与安全的明显威胁。决议将允许各国阻拦出入朝鲜的货物,以搜查大规模杀伤性武器(WMD)或相关供应品。
International applicants should pay with a check drawn on a bank in the United States. 是不是说要寄一张支票,而且开支票的银行在美国有分行或者什么的?
Please fill out Scottrade International Account Fund Request Form, select Check Request and fax to Asia Pacific Center. 请填写国际帐户提款表,选择支票提领并传真到亚太服务部。
It paved the way for an organisation with a uniquely international outlook and able to attract talent from around the world ( check out those bylines!). 此举为这家机构形成独一无二的国际视野铺平了道路,也因此能够吸引世界各地的人才(看看作者栏即可窥一斑!)。
I am incharge of international brand market and operation but also want to see your pattern to check your ability. 我是做国外品牌营运的但也想看一下纸样看一下学弟的功力。
Given the carnage the global economy has gone through, in large part as a result of the banking crisis, there is an unprecedented level of political will and international consensus for new regulations to keep the industry in check. 鉴于全球经济受到的严重破坏在很大程度上是受银行业危机的影响,各国产生了空前的政治意愿和国际共识,希望新监管模式能对该行业起到遏制作用。
This text also researches all kinds of internal and international traditional check methods at present about the trouble of short circuit between coils and sums up its characteristics and shortcomings. 研究了目前国内外关于匝间短路故障的各类传统的检测方法,并总结了其特点和不足。
The CRC-CCITT cyclic redundancy check code in international standard is studied in this paper. The polarities check ability, minimum code distance and capacity of correct single bit error of CRC-CCITT are proved by using galois field polynomial theory. 以国际标准CRC-CCITT循环冗余校验码为研究对象,利用近世代数多项式理论证明其奇偶校验性质、最小码距和纠正单比特错误能力。
Judicial review principle has become an international procedure principle, namely the court make the national peremptory power perform the active role, to check the legality of it, to protect the individual legal right avoiding the illegal invasion of national peremptory power. 司法审查原则已经成为一项国际诉讼准则,即法院充分发挥司法权的能动作用,对国家强制权实施的合法性进行审查,以保障个人合法权益免受国家强制权的非法侵害。
It is pointed out that we need to revise items about safety of production in traffic control rules of our country so as to coincide with international practices and we need to bring the traffic safety state of control areas to duty check. 指出:需重新修订我国交通管理法规中安全生产条文使之与国际接轨、将管理区域内的交通安全状况纳入责任考核。
With the continuous development of international trade and shipping industry, bill of lading has evolved into property document evidence from general check receipt. 随国际贸易和航运事业的不断发展,提单也从一般托运收据发展成为物权凭证。
The stock right investment balance check method in accounting standard of our country exists some problems and understanding international normal doing method redounds to our check method following suit with international accounting. 我国会计准则关于股权投资差额核算方式存在一定问题,了解国际的通行做法,有助于中国对股权投资差额的核算与国际会计接轨。
Some of them prohibited nuclear arms proliferating and some of them are related with Non-Nuclear District and some of them are to build all kinds of international organizations which to control or to check the export of some counties 'nuclear stuff. 此外,国际社会还签署了一系列其他有关限制核武器扩散的条约和有关无核区的各种条约并成立了对核材料的出口控制与核查的各种国际机构。
In accordance with 1999 WHO diagnostic standard of hypertension and 2000 Asia adult obesity diagnostic standard which brought forward by international obesity workgroup, every patient knew treatment projects and check items well and then consented. 均符合1999年世界卫生组织建议的高血压判定标准和2000年国际肥胖特别工作组提出亚洲成年人肥胖诊断标准,且对治疗方案和检测项目知情同意。
To give a full play to financing capacity, develop to international group, financial management model and check computation of parent and son firm of highway operation enterprise is given. 介绍了公路经营公司为充分发挥融资能力,逐步向国际化、集团化方向发展,设立了母子公司财务管理模式和核算情况。
Especially with the entry to WTO, all check agencies enter into international and national check markets under the circumstances of passing "Lab licence". 我国进入WTO后,形势也要求各检测机构必须进行实验室认可后,方能进入市场化的国际、国内检测市场。
In this paper, finite element analysis software ANSYS and HyperMesh which are very popular in the international are used to analyze the input shaft, and check the strength and stiffness of this part. Analyze the modal of the input shaft to understand the inherent vibration characteristics. 本文采用国际上流行的有限元分析软件HyperMesh和ANSYS对输入轴进行有限元分析,校核该零件的强度和刚度,并对输入轴进行了模态分析,以了解其固有振动特性。
International standard eye chart check eyesight check-box standard logarithmic Visual acuity chart light box lamp is illuminated. 应用国际标准视力表检查,视力检查所用的箱灯是带照明的标准对数视力表灯箱。